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The Helmeted Honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops cassidix, named for its ‘helmet’ of head feathers, is a critically endangered subspecies of the yellow-tufted honeyeater (L. melanops) that is widespread in south-eastern Australia.

Photo Description - Helmeted Honeyeater (Lichenostomus melanops cassidix) Photo Credits and acknowledgements - Image: Bruce Lyon.

As do most related honeyeaters, it uses its long, brush-tipped tongue to collect nectar, which comprises a quarter of its diet [1]. It also consumes invertebrates, honeydew from bugs, manna (sugary exudate from damaged foliage), lerp (the sugary coating on scale insects) and sap exuding from scars on branches caused by gliding possums [2]. Each breeding pair vigorously defends its territory where it feeds, and helps neighboring pairs to drive out the intruders [3]. Females usually lay two eggs per clutch and attempt three or four clutches per season.

The Helmeted Honeyeater belongs to family Meliphagidae, an iconic Australo-Papuan group that evolved around 20 million years ago. Genus Lichenostomus, as currently recognized, split from other honeyeaters about 8 million years ago [4].

The State of Victoria, Australia, made the beautiful Helmeted honeyeater Victoria’s bird emblem in 1971 [5]. Of the four subspecies of Yellow-tufted honeyeater, the Helmeted Honeyeater is the largest and most colourful [6]. It is also most threatened (critically endangered under IUCN criteria [7]) with only about 250 individuals remaining in the single wild population despite decades of intensive management and supplementation from a captive breeding program at Healesville Sanctuary [8]. It is one of the most intensively monitored bird populations in Australia. Recent results have revealed that the population lost much of its genetic diversity over recent decades [9], with the most-inbred birds producing only one-tenth as many young over their lifetimes compared to the least-inbred birds [8].

To reverse population decline, genetic rescue was recommended. That is, genes from a closely related subspecies, L. m. gippslandicus diverged from the common ancestor up to 50,000 years ago [10], were proposed to be introduced into the Helmeted Honeyeater population. Because the two subspecies historically exchanged genes, this management action would reinstate historical gene flow. Inter-subspecies crosses were successful in captivity and the hybrid young produced from such pairings released into the wild in 2019 [11].

To support ongoing conservation efforts led by a multidisciplinary Recovery Team, including the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, The Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater and Zoos Victoria, DNA Zoo has been working with Paul Sunnucks and Alexandra Pavlova at Monash University to generate a chromosome-length assembly genome for a female Helmeted Honeyeater.

The chromosome-length assembly we share today is based on the draft assembly available on NCBI generated by Han Ming Gan of the Deakin Genomics Centre, and the Monash University team, with funding from Zoos Victoria and Australian Research Council-funded project LP160100482 (Lichenostomus melanops cassidix isolate B80296). The draft genome assembly was created using MaSuRCA v. 3.3.4 (Zimin et al. 2013), using Oxford Nanopore MinION reads polished with short-insert size Illumina NovaSeq reads. The above draft was scaffolded using 3D-DNA (Dudchenko et al., 2017) and Juicebox Assembly Tools (Dudchenko et al., 2018). See our Methods page for more details!

The sample used to generate the Hi-C library was kindly provided by Leanne Wicker (Zoos Victoria). The Hi-C work was supported by resources provided by DNA Zoo Australia, Faculty of Science, The University of Western Australia (UWA), DNA Zoo, Zoos Victoria, Holsworth Wildlife Endowment and Monash University, with additional computational resources and support from the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre with funding from the Australian Government and the Government of Western Australia.

The following people contributed to the Hi-C chromosome-length upgrade of the project: Erez Aiden, Olga Dudchenko, David Weisz, Ashling Charles, Ruqayya Khan & Parwinder Kaur.

Blog by: Parwinder Kaur, Alexandra Pavlova and Paul Sunnucks


3. Smales, I.J. (2004).Population ecology of the Helmeted Honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops cassidix: long-term investigations of a threatened bird. Honours thesis, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Victoria

4. Joseph, L., Toon, A., Nyári, Á.S., Longmore, N.W., Rowe, K., Haryoko, T., Trueman, J., Gardner, J.L., 2014. A new synthesis of the molecular systematics and biogeography of honeyeaters (Passeriformes: Meliphagidae) highlights biogeographical and ecological complexity of a spectacular avian radiation. Zool Scr 43, 235-248.

5. Delacombe, Rohan; Bolte, Henry (10 March 1971). "Faunal Emblems for the State of Victoria" (PDF). Victoria Government Gazette – Online Archive 1836–1997. State Library of Victoria.

6. Wakefield, N., 1958. The Yellow-tufted Honeyeater with a description of a new subspecies. Emu 58, 163–194

7. Garnett, S., Szabo, J., Dutson, G., 2011. Action Plan for Australian Birds 2010. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.

8. Harrisson, K.A., Magrath, M.J., Yen, J.D., Pavlova, A., Murray, N., Quin, B., Menkhorst, P., Miller, K.A., Cartwright, K., Sunnucks, P., 2019. Lifetime fitness costs of inbreeding and being inbred in a critically endangered bird. Curr Biol 29, 2711–2717.

9. Harrisson, K.A., Pavlova, A., Gonçalves da Silva, A., Rose, R., Bull, J.J., Lancaster, M., Murray, N., Quin, B., Menkhorst, P., Magrath, M.J.L., Sunnucks, P., 2016. Scope for genetic rescue of an endangered subspecies though re-establishing natural gene flow with another subspecies. Mol Ecol 25, 1242–1258.

10. Pavlova, A., Selwood, P., Harrisson, K.A., Murray, N., Quin, B., Menkhorst, P., Smales, I., Sunnucks, P., 2014. Integrating phylogeography and morphometrics to assess conservation merits and inform conservation strategies for an endangered subspecies of a common bird species. Biol Conserv 174, 136–146.


Writer: Ruqayya KhanRuqayya Khan

Native to the north African deserts, the fat-tailed gerbil, Pachyuromys duprasi, can be found after dusk scavenging for insects [1]. The fat-tailed gerbil is small and covered in long tan and gray fur with a white underbelly. Frequent sand baths keep their fur clean and healthy.

Like most desert dwellers, the fat-tailed gerbil has adapted to their dry environments. It survives by storing extra water and fats in their chubby tails, not unlike a camel’s hump [2]! One can gain insight into the health of fat-tailed gerbil by observing this plumpness of their stubby tails. A thin tail can indicate that the gerbil is lacking sufficient nutrients.

Fat-tailed gerbils by Peter Maas, [CC-BY-3.0], via

Their adaptation to conserve water may be why some rodent enthusiasts recommend keeping gerbils as pets over hamsters, as they typically use the bathroom less and aren’t as “stinky”. Additionally, the gerbil has a reputation of being calm and friendly towards humans. The fat-tailed gerbil is newer to the pet market compared to more commonly found Mongolian gerbil, but they are steadily gaining in popularity [3].

The gerbil community lovingly refers to this species of gerbils as “doops”, based off the pronunciation of their species name duprasi. These adorable animals can inspire a lot of joy in their owners. Check out for example these great illustrations by the artist PawLove of their doop, Pita!

Today, we share the genome assembly of the fat-tailed gerbil. Many thanks to Blossum from the Houston Zoo for providing the sample for this assembly! This is a $1K genome assembly with contig N50 = 48 Kb and scaffold N50 = 70 Mb (see Dudchenko et al., 2018 for procedure details).

If you’re interested in genome assemblies of some other great house pets, check out those for the golden hamster and the Chinese hamster on the DNA Zoo website!

With their round cheeks and happy smiles, Quokkas aka Setonix brachyurus have been dubbed the most cheerful animal on the planet. They eat flowers and carry their babies in pouches. They are adorable. No wonder the #QuokkaSelfie is going viral on Instagram and Twitter. Check those by @chrishemsworth @MargotRobbie and many more!

Setonix brachyurus, Quokka. Location: Australia, WA, Rottnest Island. Photo Credits: Microsoft Australia.

With the onset of Spring in September the adorable quokka joeys are ready to hop out from their mom’s pouches and into the big wide world. Time to have a birthday party!

After the inaugural Quokka Birthday in 2019, we are celebrating the 2nd Quokka Birthday today with the release of a chromosome-length genome assembly for these much-loved members of the kangaroo family.

Quokkas are listed as “vulnerable” by the IUCN and the Australian Department of Environment and Energy. The IUCN estimates that there are between 7,500 – 15,000 mature adults in the wild. The vast majority of these lives on Rottnest Island. There's also a protected population on Bald Island, and a few scattered colonies on mainland Australia.

The biggest threat to quokkas is deforestation. Humans are tearing down trees to build cities; weather changes are having ripple effects on vegetation, erosion, and rainfall. Wildfires are also a problem. E.g., in 2015, a wildfire in Western Australia decimated 90% of the local quokka population, with the estimated quokka numbers dropping from 500 to just 39. We hope that the new genome assembly will help monitor the population and inform the species management plans.

The genome assembly shared today was generated using two samples: one from Rottnest Island and one coming from a mainland quokka. This is a $1K genome assembly. See our Methods page for more details on the procedure!

Quokkas belong to the Macropodidae family of marsupials that includes kangaroos and wallabies. This is the 5th macropod in the DNA Zoo collection, after the tammar wallaby, Western grey kangaroo, Eastern grey kangaroo and red kangaroo. See below how the chromosomes in the new genome assembly relate to those of the tammar wallaby below! Looks like the genomes are highly syntenic, but 3 chromosomes in the tammar wallaby correspond to two distinct chromosomes in the quokka, chr #1 (chr #1+#10 in quokka), chr #3 (#5+#7 in quokka) and chr #6 (#6+#8 in quokka), explaining the difference in the karyotype.

Whole-genome alignment plot between the tammar wallaby chromosome-length genome assembly (me-1k, 2n=16) and the quokka genome assembly (Setonix_brachyurus_HiC, 2n=22). The chromosomes are largely syntenic with three chromosomes in tammar wallaby corresponding to two separate chromosomes each in the quokka.

If you are curious to know more about Rottnest Island Kingdom of the Quokka, please watch this Trailer from Sea Dog TV International on Vimeo. Better still, book a trip to Rottnest Island, Western Australia!

We gratefully acknowledge the collaboration and samples provided by Cassyanna Gray, Conservation Officer, Rottnest Island Authority, and Natasha Tay, Murdoch University. The work was supported by resources provided by DNA Zoo Australia, Faculty of Science, The University of Western Australia (UWA) and DNA Zoo, Aiden lab, Baylor College of Medicine (BCM). We are grateful for the computational support from the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre with funding from the Australian Government and the Government of Western Australia. Additional computational resources and support was received via Microsoft AI for Earth grant.

The following people contributed to the project: Parwinder Kaur, Olga Dudchenko, David Weisz and Erez Aiden.

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