Recently, the DNA Zoo collaborated with the International Peanut Genome Initiative to create a chromosome-length reference for the cultivated peanut. This is the first tetraploid genome assembly in our collection!
This paper was published in Nature Genetics. We are grateful to our many collaborators from the University of Georgia, Hudson Alpha Institute of Biotechnology, Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste (CONICET-UNNE), Iowa State, National Center for Genome Resources, LGDP, LG Chem, Université de Montpellier, Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, Kazusa DNA Research Institute, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Agricultural Research Service, Industrial Crops Research Institute, Laboratory of Oil Crops in Huanghuaihai Plains, UC Davis Genome Center, Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute, USDA, and especially to our colleagues at ICRISAT for providing the sample and collaboration on the Hi-C analysis and scaffolding.
Today, we release the latest version of the chromosome-length tetraploid peanut genome assembly. Visit this page on PeanutBase for updated genome data and gene model annotations!